Wednesday, January 09, 2008

It's All boxed up....

It's all boxed up till next Thanksgiving. Christmas decorations and trees and linens. How they could possibly all fit into these containers is beyond me, but everything does. There's even one fewer garbage bags going down than came up... garbage bags are excellent for afghans and pillows and such. (And, yes, DH helped carry down and arrange boxes and containers in the coal cellar before he left for his activity run.) Uh...'coal cellar' is the partitioned room in the basement which held coal for the coal burning furnace from 1936 to 1950 when my father installed the gas furnace and boiler.

The turkey and dumplings, the last of the Christmas leftovers, 'wandered' to the dinner table tonight, too. Guess we were really wrapping up Christmas all at once!

On the knitting front, last night I knit the bohus neckline to a trying on place and it just really didn't work. Frog pond. Then recast on with a slightly larger needle and instead of knitting the neckline to itself, I will lightly whip stitch it together later in the process. That should take care of the problem!


Anonymous said...

Would be nice if could leave up the Christmas collection, all the work that goes in to the holiday. Glad it is all done. Guess you could do like the office next door did several years ago, leave the tree up and decorate it for the season, Hearts for Valentine's Day, Eggs Bunny for Easter Etc. It was differnt -so sad they are gone.

Birdsong said...

Now I really feel behind, still having the tree up... DH usually does that around here but has been sick the past four days. Ugh, does that mean I have to?!

Nancy said...

Yarn Elf --- I have my sheep ornament tree up all year long! And, Birdsong, I'd leave the tree up till your DH can do it!