Monday, October 19, 2009

elm and leaves

We had our first frost here last night which yielded raining leaves this morning.
While it can, a volunteer elm in the back yard has offered its young limbs and leaves as a backdrop and support for the project I've picked back up this weekend, "Drooping Summer Elm". I'd taken this stole/scarf with us in July but didn't hardly work on it other than to share the cast on at camp. To review, it's a Montse Stanley double loop twist cast on, a pattern from Barbara Walker and Cascade Heritage yarn knit on a #6 Addi Lace Turbo 24" circular.

Nut trees and maples and wild currants are changing colors but mostly they are dropping leaves faster than they can show their splendor. (Click on pictures for detail!)

Eggplants and grapes were hit very hard by heavy frost. The baby white ghost eggplants that were too small to pick yesterday just don't appear possible to develop for a dinner later on. They would have loved the 70 degree weather predicted later on this week, as will we.

1 comment:

yarn elf said...

Is it fall, winter, or summer? Going from one extreme to the other. May not be much fall color to see or take pictures of this year.

Maybe your elm project will remind you that spring will return soon. It is looking nice. The color fits the name well.