Friday, October 09, 2009

Solstice Forest (WG #79) is blocking!

Solstice Forest... I loved knitting this sweater! There really is something to Nikki being a Knitting Guard Cat. He hasn't been up on this bed since the last time I blocked knitting on it back in May. Solstice Forest was soaking and as I was placing the towels on the comforter, Nikki came in purring his loudest.

The neckline is the only part of the sweater I've pinned. Even with EZ's Sewn Castoff, the stockinette is trying to roll a bit.
Where's the modeling shot? It'll appear when the sweater is dry. As a hint: I am really, really pleased with SF try-ons before being blocked.


yarn elf said...

WOW A great job of shading your colors. It looks so fsll like and warm. On the hem you might try 2 rows of knit before stating st st.

Will have to get a sign to post Guard Cat On Duty.Touch at your own risk.

Jaya said...

I love it! What a gorgeous sweater. I can't wait for the posed shots.

Deborah (aka Mt. Mom) said...

Finished -- hurray!!
Good for you, Nancy.
What a nice glow to the colors.