Monday mail is Gooood to-day!
Although I had heard of EZ's Butterfly Jacket, I had not seen one until last summer at 2.75 when Ann made one as part of her contest entry. We discussed how the shaping tended to be flattering on figures for which the ribwarmer didn't quite work. Here, in the new Wool Gathering #78, Meg has knit a butterfly and a variation on the same for the very first time herself (EZ had knit the original, not now available, and Meg didn't have the pattern until a lovely lady sent it to her from the original magazine!)
I am wondering about using 2/3 strands of J&S rather than unspun Icelandic to make one... any thoughts?
Meg also promos books that she will be printing in the next year. These are definitely on my list!
2008 is the 50th Anniversary of Schoolhouse Press and the 35th Anniversary of Knitting Camp; so, there are some very special activities happening.
I'm seriously thinking of knitting the Butterfly. Perfect sounding garment for my bits that get cold.
School House has come along way. Yep mine came in the mail Monday. Do like the timless style, but have not study it real close yet.
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