Nora, who also drives a C-2, says of #27, "She's Adela's sister." Nora loves her bus she's named Adela and says that her hands will have to pried off Adela's wheel, she loves her bus that much!
Notice #27's long, sleek line; her height; her wide-angled, deep windshield; her handles on the outside of the door; her chrome grill; her 6 mirrors. Pay no attention to her wheels. The fancy stuff has yet to be added. After all, she passed inspection just this morning since she arrived from Ohio last Wednesday.
Look at these seats! How close together! [Those big football players are 'gonna hafta' watch walking down this aisle!(Pun intended!)] And a sound-proofing metal ceiling, e-ven.
Now, here we have one of the great joys, a twin cup holder! And a digital clock! It even has an alarm!!! See the mic? He can talk with the kids using it. Nobody can use a mic like The Voice.
Can you believe this mirror? It looks like the bus is floating! It's a 'bug-eye mirror', which is used to see the kids crossing in front of the bus. Just an excellent, excellent safety feature.
And Mr. Bus Driver's comment... "I love how she drives."
Stay tuned for the gussied-up pics later on!
G What happened to the old type yellow school bus? Almost takes a degree to drive one these days.
G What happened to the old type yellow school bus? Almost takes a degree to drive one these days.
and "Her" name is ????? or hasn't she told her new driver-man what it is yet?
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