Guess we've all seen the glass glob figures for sale at many gift shops and at truckstops. Several years ago as I was waiting for DH, I saw this nativity. Yes, that's a dime in front of it for scale. I couldn't believe the detail at such a minuscule scale and 'for cheap'. It definitely is my smallest nativity. But it's a major reminder for many of 'the reason for the season'.
We have been taught to give gifts to mirror the Gift given to/for us. And I want to share a picture of "Yarn Elf" knitting Christmas stockings for members of his family. Yarn Elf shares his expertise at World Wide Hobbies in Willcox, AZ. He's been telling me of the progress on these, but reading about them is nothing like the amazement of seeing them! Thanks to Lupe who took pictures on her cell phone and forwarded some of them to me last night.
Yes,it it the beginning of a special time of the year. Time to remember the gift of enternal life. Then family and special friends like Yarn Diva and DH, Yarn Vixen, or Lupe and DH. Where would life be with out those to share the up times and for support for the down times. Gifts from the heart express our feelings that usually are forgotten on a daily base. Yarn Elf
well said Yarn Elf - part of why we do love you and appreciate all your contributions to our lives. Thanks Lupe for the pic - all those Christmas stockings and it would appear they will truly all get finished after all. Well done, Yarn Elf, well done.
Yarn Vixen...
Very cool very tiny nativity! Yarn elf looks like a special person!
Holy cow - that's amazing.
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